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Domestic and foreign valve industry market analysis

浏览:9079次  日期:2015-07-22


  Domestic gap between China and foreign valve valve, valve industry is our careful thinking, in order to improve our some problems in the development of, overcome the harmonious developing issues, find the suit a point of development, promote the valve industry revitalization and improving. Suggestions for this valve enterprise should turn challenges into opportunities, find their own positioning, strive to expand the domestic and foreign markets, defuse the crisis. For enterprises in China valve is the key to further improve product quality and technical content, only a solid foundation, continuous innovation, exploring the valve brand in China to overseas.


  Valve at home and abroad market: enterprises to exploit domestic and foreign markets is a process of constant self-improvement and development, is actually a process of the development of enterprises. At present, the enterprise should according to the actual situation to adopt the strategy of "two legs" to walk, great importance to the development of international and domestic two markets, enhance the core competition of the enterprises valve. In the near future, must be able to catch up with and surpass the foreign enterprises in China valve valve similar enterprises, contribute to national major valve localization of technical equipment, and become the world#39;s valve manufacturing power.

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