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RFID underground well help miner to achieve maximum oil valve

View: 9308  Addtime: 2015-07-22


  Attempts have been made in the past few decades, oil drilling company used a variety of techniques to control underground oil thousands of meters deep gas Wells of tools; However, due to the high pressure, high temperature and corrosive environment in the oil and gas well, a lot of technology is not stable work.


  Now, Scottish companies Petrowell design a set of system, RFID technology is adopted to accomplish with the valve underground well tools such as wireless communications. This system can help for strategic extraction oil company, the largest amount of extract of underground oil and gas, the company said. Petrowell has applied for a patent for this system.

  This first due to the directional drilling technology, directional drilling that oil companies can be vertical or horizontal drilling for oil. Miner vertical oilfield drilling down, then bit rotate 90 degrees, at the minimum vertical horizontal drilling. A well depth can reach 3-4 km, and the horizontal can be up to 10 km.


  Due to the lack of vast, untapped fields worldwide directional drilling has the very high cost efficiency. Well the longitudinal extension of small area, can be connected to the oil and gas fields together, to prevent new oil field exploitation. In other words, make a single directional drilling Wells can connect 6-10 small, rather than on the earth's surface from 6 to 10 different drilling of oil Wells.


  If the small piece of oil gas field on the vertical direction is all production, the company may not be the most heavily in the horizontal direction extraction of oil and gas, according to Daniel Purkis Petrowell design engineer. In the past five years, the company has been committed to research to solve this problem, recently started selling RFID underground surface control tools.

According to Purkis, oil and gas flow from the bottom of the well - vertical area first, bit rotates 90 degrees it is at this point. If began to run out, at the bottom of the oil Wells produce water, and the level of oil Wells is blocked at the bottom of the well - area.


  "In Angola drilling a well take about $7200 to $14300, if the new Wells gush water only after a month, that's a big problem" Purkis said.


  By controlling the vertical and horizontal oil well drill pipe valves, the company can be the first mining the furthest small oil field in the horizontal direction, and then return to come over to the vertical direction of mining, so as to prevent water blocking the flow of oil. However, if the surface of the tool cannot be stable to control valve, so the timing and strategic mining effect is not ideal.


  At present, the market has been selling some of the tools in well control system, but Purkis said the mining industry think the system is not stable. The hydraulic line is a method of underground tools control.


  "It is like a car brake" Purkis, according to the hydraulic line length may need to be added up to 20000 feet. Hydraulic lines are very expensive, and easily damaged. If the need to control within a well 6 tools, the system must use 6 hydraulic line.


  Another option is to cable. Cable also need to be 20000 feet long, however, the price is very expensive, Purkis said, due to the cable must be well under corrosion and high temperature environment, also easy to damage. In addition, the hydraulic line cable need surface control box and the engine, it takes up the ground space. "If you want to know the oil rig bottom area" and the "golden" Purkis said.


  And Petrowell design system in other tools such as underground valve installation RFID reader. Passive RFID tag production workers will flow down into the well liquid, label through the reader sends the associated command.


  In Europe and North America, Petrowell and Marathon Oil Co jointly carry out a number of tests. Tests, Petrowell in drill pipe valve is installed on a battery-powered RFID reader. Exploitation of workers in the mine dropped into a messy, glass sealing RFID tags, labels as the liquid horizontal or vertical flow, and reader communications with them through the valve.


  "The flow of oil through the control valve, the system balance, make us to get more oil faster" label send coded information specific to the well valve, instruction valve keep static or activities, such as on or off, such as code number 6 May represent the valve closed or open, or close 10%.


  according to the Purkis system redundancy design method, multiple tags at the same time has the same instructions was thrown into the well, in case some RFID tags unreadable or rupture. In addition, the system also with a detection mechanism, if a tag through the valve, so it can't back through the same valve, due to the valve.


  "May occur in the worst case is" Purkis said, "a wandering TAB to activate the valve at the wrong time, or activate a wrong valve. This may lead to explosion and fire". To prevent this kind of situation, Petrowell must guarantee the safety of system. Label before it must be thrown into the well into time and sequence. So, after a specified period, tag command is invalid, reader only response to the new label. Label the legacy in bottom hole or embedded in the rock.


  There are two kinds of label size, a diameter of 4 mm, 24 mm long; Another 2 mm diameter, 8 mm long. Label purchased from TI, after Petrowell improved.


  Tag read rate fell into the well with the tag is determined by speed and turbulence vortex. Each tag read rate to an average of 60-79%, mining workers typically into 10 same tag at the same time, will read the rate increased to 100%. Operator, for example, dropped 10 inclusive of our 5% close a valve command, can be seen from the Wells of the oil rate change valve setting.


  Commissioning stage of RFID system in the well for installation and test, Purkis said miners need to throw three or four times a day in the early years of the TAB to adjust the Settings. When the well production, label, just throw a month or in accordance with the requirements on the label.


  The system has been put into use, although Purkis declined to say in addition to the Marathon Oil other test the name of the company. However, he says, recently the system were sent to a Canadian company and international oil company Saudi Aramco


  In addition, a large company is considering installing a set of system, monitoring the well in the quantity of heat, pressure and liquid flow rate.

  "We the RFID application is unique, our partners said it would change the way of the mining of oil well in the future" Purkis said.

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