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The valve industry will constantly expand the scale of the industry in the future

View: 9129  Addtime: 2015-07-22


  In recent years, China's valve industry into a period of rapid development, the valve industry "threshold" a rising tide lifts all boats has become Asia's largest valve processing center, one of the world's largest valve market. But China's valve products per capita consumption level is not high, in the world is now only $22 per capita. But with the power station valve, chemical valve, the valve and the rise of building materials and food with valves, we can see the valve industry prospects, market attractive.


  As the related industrial field is plural, longitudinal deepening development trend, the identity of the valve products has been gradually by extending a broader industrial commodity character, high and new technology puts forward higher requirements on the valve products. At the same time, all kinds of scrap valve products tasks of environmental treatment, recycling and reuse, will become more and more difficult. Each valve manufacturer should grasp opportunities to sprint.

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